Snow Rug -Day 8/Sunnie – Rug Hooking

Finally, my right hand snowman has a head!!!!!  LOL    🙂

Now, today…I particularly want to tell you of a very scientific FACT that I have learned while doing this rug…and I know this  knowledge will change your life!          ……It takes longer to Hook a snowball than it does to make a real one out of snow!!!!   🙂     (That is the science part of this post for today!   Tomorrow, we  explore brain surgery!!!)  LOL 

Here is my Progress on Day 8…

I have lightened the picture a bit so you can see the textures and colour changes a little better.   As I said yesterday, the original design for this rug was just the two snowmen shown,  but to put in the 24 x 24 format, I thought a third snowman was needed!!   Besides, the original two wanted their friend to join them (!!!)…  so what are rug designers to do?    We grab our pens and draw in the newcomer, of course!!!!  🙂

Happy Hooking!  Sunnie  😉

Author: Sunnie-oldcrowfarm

I am a folk artist now living in Vancouver, Washington. We loved our Vermont "Old Crow Farm" but now I live in a little cottage with a bright yellow front door! I no longer have my business but still love designing and hooking rugs and experimenting with colour...! I do "mystery rugs" on my Blog and that is great fun!

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