New “SABI” Mystery Rug Starts Today/Sunnie/rug hooking-Day 1

Here we go!   I know these early pictures are really thrilling (!!!!!) but we have to start somewhere!!!   🙂

For this rug I had a starting idea, so I looked at a lot of antique paintings and other folk art, looked at a lot of antique rugs and pulled together the actual design.   I transferred it to the linen, drawing much of it free hand but staying with the idea I started with.   It brings in elements from different types of folk art and crafts from several different countries…and looking at pieces from the past always helps me refine my design.   Now we will see how it develops!   As you know, I often go off in a different direction but I think this one will be fine the way I have it drawn…!   🙂

So here is Progress on Day 1…I always appreciate those of you who travel these little adventures with me!!!   Happy Hooking!  Sunnie  🙂
